I'm sure y'all must have known that Flat forms (or otherwise known as creepers -beats me why they are called 'creepers') are the rage (well, kinda. Though some people think they're downright fugly). But thanks to Prada (which also made those A-line pencil striped skirts), celebrities and fashion bloggers are now sporting flat forms. They are pretty much masculine-looking, mostly resembling oxfords (or brogues) on a high, straight platform (thus explaining their namesake, geddit?). It's probably this practicality thats keeping fashionistas to flat forms. Just read an article that consumers these days are ditching sky-high stilettos in favor of practical shoes (oh, did I mention how much I adore those Louboutin Rollerboy spiked flats?).
And my point of today's post? I bought myself a pair of flat forms while I was in HK. Will post pics up but here are some pics taken off the net for you to decide if it's yay or nay to the flat forms trend.
As observed from Prada
From Derek Lam. If only I have enough moolah... (lusting for the first pair)
Chanel's own take on the flat form trend. I've seen the pair (that the model on the right is wearing) in real life. A pretty sleek, sharp pair ;)
The one that I bought is pretty similar to these.
Taken off Mink Pink's 2012 Summer campaign. Love the way how they styled the model in the foreground with her creepers.
Prada flat forms worn by Hanelli. Love this pic. She looks so chic and gorgeous.